Film magazine

My magazine

Script Interview

INT: Studio,
The studio we have at T4 is a comfortable area for us and our cast members. On our left we are joined by the director herself, sat on the other sofa we have our visitors. Being played in the background is clips from the film being played on a cinema screen (no sound).
Hey everyone, how’s it going? I’m Alan Carr and welcome to T4. We are joined today by the stars of ‘The Player’ don’t go anywhere!
(Everyone claps)

You got it, were joined by the STARS of The Player, please welcome the director, Tara Wilton, Chloe swallow and Sam baker and Gemma Malcolm. So Tara, how does it feel to be staring in this wicked film?
How does it feel? Wow, words can’t begin to describe how lucky and incredible I feel. Working with the cast and being here with this amazing setting and props all is a dream come true. I’ve loved every minute and feel so special to be given this opportunity.
I agree, that must have been a life time opportunity to star in. Now sam, this was your first film you’ve ever been on? How did it make you feel? This new change?

Mission Impossible annotation

The scene begins with establishing shot of the mountain range surrounded by a deserted desert; Tom Cruise is climbing on the top of an empty mountain, demonstrating his freedom and adventures he is facing. The rush of quick shots around the mountain range creates a tension with the audience to make you wonder ‘what’s going on?’ when the camera gets closer to Tom Cruise it slows down and allows the audience to see what the situation is and makes you focus on the man on the screen, from rushing the camera around to then slow down establishes were being rushed towards the problem. The long shot of the man determines what he is trying to do, and the difficult problem he is facing. As the camera surrounded the actor with extreme long shots and high angle shots we are faced with the long drop below him, this makes the viewer feel extremely worried about the man but also creates a question in our heads of ‘WHAT IS HE DOING’.
 The aim of showing the landscape around him emphasises how empty the mountain range, he has no restrictions and he’s free with nobody to stop him. It shows his dedication to get to the top of the cliff, and even when he wants to stop he pushes himself, this makes us look at him look he is a hero for his own dedication to do this challenge. The long distant shot of Tom Cruise bending down in a gap in the rocks letting his arms go portrays his confidence and freedom to take risks and shows he is not scared to face anything, it shows his skills of climbing and that he must have a lot of pratice as his face shows no emotions of being nervous or worried, he looks chilled out and ready for the adventure. Once he is up from the the position he moves straight into planning where to go next, the camera looks down on him demonstrating his determination to get higher, he takes risks of where to go next almost preserving that he has done this before. The ferce facial expreshions he pulls as he pushes himself up represents that he cant get out of the situation hes in, there is nowhere to go expect up and you have to face that he has no choice even if he cant physically move any longer that he has too. The camera slowly moves away from him, moving further out of the desert illistrating how alone he is, it makes the audience want to take there eyes off of him and look around to see what is below but you almost feel like you have to keep your eyes on him incase something happens, this creates a realtionship between the audience and Tom Cruise as you feel sypathy for him without even knowing why he is here. The leep tom cruise takes from one rock to another almost shocks the audience, that this guy would take such a dramatic jump just to be in a better state to climb. In this shot the director has chosen to use the slow tracking shot, this enhanses the drop underneath him, slowling down the tracking shot also makes the reader question how you would not dare to do what he is doing as he has no hanises or anything to protect him from what is underneath.
Straight after the jump the director rushes him into another dramatic situation showing a tracking long shot demonstrating whats happerning to Tom Cruise, to reinforce the mood of the scene Tom Cruise falls down part of the mountian range, instead of the director tracking him slowly he goes VERY fast. This signifes that the director wants the atmosphere of this shot to come across different to last. In this scene you see tom cruise fall like lightning down the moutian range, with his arms you see him trying grab on but as he falls he looses any grip he had a chance of getting. For this the director has used a dolly shot and they follow him as falls.
As he gets to the bottom of that mountain he grabs on with one arm this shows us Tom Cruise’s determination not to give up which represents a very strong fighter. His arms are spread out really wide cripping the wall behind him, with his legs crossed which resembles jesus when he was on the cross which symbolises importance.  The extreme close up shot on his face establishes Tom Cruise taking deep breathes which would test that he is nervous, or worried, after taking a deep breathe he powers on swinging across the mountain range with only the grib of his arms keeping him up, the long shot resemberling a crane shot shows the progress he as made displaying his sucsess. As he gets to the top of the mountian to enhanse the mission Tom Cruise has just completed using the crane and tracking you see extreme long shots of the desserted mountian range. We are faced to think about what he has just done which makes the reader refere to him as a hero.
 Star Trek essay



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